Monday, August 6, 2007

Shepherd Selection Document

Here is the Shepherd Selection Process document (pdf) that was mentioned in the assembly on August 5th.

Please be in prayer for Loy Johnson and Jeff McIlroy and their families as they finish up their Shepherd training.

Kid's Club August 7

We'll do our last Kid's Club for the summer Tuesday, August 7 from 2-4 pm at the Meadows Apartments across the street from Garnett Church.

Student and adult volunteers and "Terrific Tuesday" participants will join adult and student residents of Meadows for games, jupiter jump, Bible dramas, songs, and food.

Would you like to help? Email our children's minister, Susie.

Friday, August 3, 2007

Burnt Cabin Camp 2007

Quest for Truth

Seventy children from Garnett and Memorial Churches of Christ and their friends gathered at Burnt Cabin for what was a fantastic camp experience filled with stories about Jesus and how we can grow into his image.

All the children received a nickname--part of camp they really love. We did crafts, sweated at sports time, swam, sang, prayed, discussed the Bible story each day in "Quest Groups," and of course had all the regular elements of camp, including mail call, three meals a day together, bedtime stories and devotionals, and of course canteen!

If you have a child 8-12, consider sending her or him to camp next summer! If you can't afford it, tell us early and we can raise money for scholarship for your child. This is an important part of spiritual formation in our children's ministry. For more information, email our children's minister, Susie Haltom.

Pictured from left are Addison Martin, Kayla Davis, and Phoebe Voss.